Protein is a component in every cell in your body! Like carbs and fat, protein is a "macro-nutrient,” meaning that you need relatively large amounts of it to stay healthy. However, unlike carbs and fat, your body does not store protein. That's why eating (and drinking) protein throughout your day is so important to support your energy, health and weight-loss goals. Here are the top 10 reasons* (reminders)
1. Protein Can Reduce Appetite and Hunger Levels
The three macronutrients (fats, carbs and protein) affect our bodies in different ways.Studies show that protein is by far the most filling. It helps you feel more full, with less food
2. Protein Can Increase Muscle Mass and Strength
Muscle is made primarily of protein. A high protein intake can help you gain muscle mass and strength, and can reduce muscle loss when losing weight.
3. Protein is Good For Your Bones (Not The Other Way Around)
People who eat more protein tend to have better bone health as they get older. They have a much lower risk of osteoporosis and fractures.
4. Protein Can Reduce Cravings and Desire Calorie-laden Snacking
A food craving is different from normal hunger. Eating more protein has been shown to reduce cravings and desire for snacking. Just eating a high-protein breakfast like CLICK, the all-in-one coffee protein, may have a powerful effect.
5. Protein Can Boost Metabolism and Increase Fat Burning
A higher protein intake has been shown to boost your metabolism significantly, helping you burn more calories throughout the day.
6. Protein Can Lower Your Blood Pressure
High blood pressure (hypertension) is a major cause of heart attacks, strokes and chronic kidney disease.
7. Protein Can Help You Lose Weight and Keep it Off in The Long-Term
When it comes to losing weight, protein is the king of nutrients. Eating a lot of protein has numerous benefits for weight loss. It can help you lose more fat, and help you keep it off in the long-term.
8. Protein Does Not Harm Healthy Kidneys
It is true that protein can cause harm in people with kidney problems, but this has no relevance to people with healthy kidneys.
9. Protein Can Help Your Body Repair Itself After Injury
Eating more protein can help you recover faster after you have been injured
10. Protein Can Help You Keep Fit as You Get Older
Along with staying physically active and lifting weights or doing some sort of resistance exercise, eating plenty of protein can help reduce the muscle wasting associated with aging.
CLICK provides an easy and tasty way to get the protein your body needs while providing the decadent taste and energy you crave!
As always, if you have specific medical issues or concerns, please speak directly with your health care provider regarding your specific dietary needs.
*Source: Kris Gunnars, BSc, Authority Nutrition